Warning : Outex site seems discontinued, so links below will probably not response.
The following classification test suites are derived from Outex color texture images.
Their are motivated by the following remarks :
- Outex images in the downloadable raster files of gray-level test suites are affected by an (undocumented) scale change of gray levels (see Figure 1), which may yield biased results with some texture descriptors.
We have therefore regenerated some of the gray-level test suites from Outex original color images (see Table 1) using the intensity formula given in Outex documentation: I=0.299R+0.587G+0.114B.

Figure 1: Histogram of image 000000 in (a) original Outex_TC_00011 test suite and (b) Outex_TC_00011 below
- Most Outex test suites contain 24 textures, which generally yields very high classification results (above 95%). We have therefore extended them to the same 68 textures as in Outex-TC-00013 (see Table 1).
- Outex test suites offer several variations of acquisition conditions (illuminant, spatial resolution, camera rotation) but no degradation of the captured images. We have therefore simulated noisy and blurred images in new degraded test suites (see Table 2).
Note: Only the original test suites Outex_TC_00010—14, that use a window size of 128×128 pixels, are regenerated and/or extended below.
Table 1: Classification test suites with variations in acquisition conditions
Test suite ID | Image type | Textures | Illuminants | Rotations (°) | Resolutions (dpi) | Number of train images | Number of test images | Link | Remarks |
Outex_TC_00010-r | Gray-level | 24 textures | Inca | 00,05,10,15,30, 45,60,75,90 | 100 | 480 (20×24) | 3840 (8×20×24) | Download | Original Outex_TC_00010 regenerated from color images |
Outex_TC_00010-c | Color | 24 textures | Inca | 00,05,10,15,30, 45,60,75,90 | 100 | 480 (20×24) | 3840 (8×20×24) | Download | Color counterpart of original Outex_TC_00010 |
Outex_TC_00011-r | Gray-level | 24 textures | Inca | 00 | 100,120 | 480 (20×24) | 480 (20×24) | Download | Original Outex_TC_00011 regenerated from color images |
Outex_TC_00012-i | Gray-level | 24 textures | Inca, Horizon, TL84 | 00 | 100 | 480 (20×24) | 480 (20×24) or 960 (2×20×24) | Download | Original Outex_TC_00012 regenerated from color images, with illuminant variations only and 3 problems (illuminant of test images: horizon, TL84, or both) |
Outex_TC_00013-l | Gray-level | 68 textures | Inca | 00 | 100 | 680 (10×68) | 680 (10×68) | Download | Gray-level version of original Outex_TC_00013 |
Outex_TC_00020 | Gray-level | 68 textures | Inca | 00, 05, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90 | 100 | 1360 (20×68) | 10880 (8×20×68) | Download | Above Outex_TC_00010-r extended to 68 classes |
Outex_TC_00021 | Gray-level | 68 textures | Inca | 00 | 100,120 | 1360 (20×68) | 1360 (20×68) | Download | Above Outex_TC_00011-r extended to 68 classes |
Outex_TC_00024 | Gray-level | 68 textures | Inca, Horizon, TL84 | 00 | 100 | 1360 (20×68) | 1360 (20×68) or 2720 (2×20×68) | Download | Above Outex_TC_00012-i extended to 68 classes |
Outex_TC_00030 | Color | 68 textures | Inca | 00, 05, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90 | 100 | 1360 (20×68) | 10880 (8×20×68) | Download | Color version of above Outex_TC_00020 |
Outex_TC_00031 | Color | 68 textures | Inca | 00 | 100,120 | 1360 (20×68) | 1360 (20×68) | Download | Color version of above Outex_TC_00021 |
Outex_TC_00034 | Color | 68 textures | Inca, Horizon, TL84 | 00 | 100 | 1360 (20×68) | 1360 (20×68) or 2720 (2×20×68) | Download | Color version of above Outex_TC_00024, i.e., original Outex_TC_00014 with 3 problems |
Table 2: Classification test suites with specific degradations of test images
- Illuminant: Inca
- Rotation: 00 °
- Resolution: 100 dpi
Test suite ID | Image type | Textures | Noise | Blur | Number of train images | Number of test images | Link | Remarks |
Outex_TC_00011-n | Gray-level | 24 textures | Gaussian, σ=5 | none | 480 (20×24) | 480 (20×24) | Download | Generated from above Outex_TC_00011-r |
Outex_TC_00022 | Gray-level | 68 textures | Gaussian, σ=5 | none | 1360 (20×68) | 1360 (20×68) | Download | Generated from above Outex_TC_00013-l |
Outex_TC_00023 | Gray-level | 68 textures | none | Gaussian, ρ=0.5 | 1360 (20×68) | 1360 (20×68) | Download | Generated from above Outex_TC_00013-l. ρ: radius of decay of Gaussian filter |
Outex_TC_00032 | Color | 68 textures | Gaussian, σ=5 | none | 1360 (20×68) | 1360 (20×68) | Download | Generated from original Outex_TC_00013 |
Outex_TC_00033 | Color | 68 textures | none | Gaussian, ρ=0.5 | 1360 (20×68) | 1360 (20×68) | Download | Generated from original Outex_TC_00013 |